Who We Are
Our History
Project Rachel began in the Diocese of Milwaukee in 1984, 11 years after abortion became legal in the United States. Project Rachel’s foundress, Vicki Thorn, had invited a friend to attend Mass. This friend responded, “I know I am not wanted there because I had an abortion”. Vicki’s heart was broken for her friend and for others who felt like the Church had no place for them. Vicki founded Project Rachel as an avenue for all those men and women to find reconciliation with the Church, no matter how lost they felt. The ministry came to Cincinnati in 1994 and is presently in 140 dioceses across the globe.

Vicki Thorn is the foundress of Project Rachel and the executive director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation & Healing located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Minnesota and a certificate in Spiritual Direction. She is a bereavement facilitator trained by the American Academy of Bereavement and a prenatal loss facilitator certified by Resolve Through Sharing Prenatal Loss. She also holds a certificate in Trauma Counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is a long time member of the Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health and an invited workshop presenter.
Project Rachel
in Cincinnati
Project Rachel began in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati in 1994. Mary Anne Boyd was selected as the person who would begin the ministry by Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk. Mary Anne accepted God’s calling having no idea the great work He had in mind through her. Under her guidance, Project Rachel developed support group materials, a retreat program, and a community that has helped men and women to find true peace after their abortion experience. If you would like to hear more of Mary Anne’s story, check out the video here.
Watch Video

Our Staff
Our volunteer team is made up of women who have been impacted by the ministry and who donate their time and talents to ensure that all men and women have the chance to find God’s grace and mercy. We also have a network of priests who are specially trained in helping post-abortive people through the sacrament of reconciliation and through spiritual direction. Please contact us if you would like to speak to a post-abortive volunteer or clergy.